A Host of Workshops ”Taught by Your Friends

Take advantage of a host of student-led workshops.

Intro to Photoshop Through Photomontage
led by Emily Struthers, senior in Landscape Architecture

Group Project? It Doesn't Have To Be Terrible ¦
led by Travis Conte, senior in Business Administration

Make Engaging Movies: Intro to iMovie ˜09
led by Robby Padia, sophomore in Communication Media

What To Do When Hackers Attack!
Did you know that you are likely to get hacked sometime in the next year? Come to this talk to learn to how project yourself from hackers and learn what to do if you do get hacked!
led by Chris Dzoba, graduate student in Computer Science

Prezi: Presentations Simplified
A hands-on workshop for creating awesome presentations with Prezi!
led by Akshay V.S., graduate student in Industrial Engineering

Intro to 3D Content Creation in Blender
Learn how to create and manipulate objects in 3D, from the fundamentals to topics such as lighting, shading, and rendering.
led by Sam Brubaker, senior in Art and Design

Digital SLR Photography
led by Daniel Marcus, senior in Engineering

For more information, see http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/events/registration/workshop/schedule . Students can register online. Registration is not required but it does guarantee a seat.